How can I help you?


mass spectrometry, MALDI-TOF (including imaging and biotyping), macromolecules, synthetic polymers, small molecules, Electrospray (ESI), coordination complexes, organometallic compounds, Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP), intact protein-conjugates, fullerenes, supramolecular materials

Wyatt Analytical Ltd. offers the following main options:

  • Standard service level: I realise there are many pressures on your working life, but I can help lessen the load by project managing the acquisition of data and provide interpretation commentary for you. I have arrangements with multiple labs to help get you the best prices available, and navigate around known instrument breakdowns to keep turnaround high. Mass spectrometry is a broad church and nobody knows it all, so I have several colleagues to work with no matter what the project entails.
  • Premium service level: As an enhancement to the Standard level, I have arrangements with multiple labs to visit and utilise their instrumentation, and so use my skills and expertise to personally acquire your data.
  • Already have data, but don’t fully understand it? I can evaluate it and provide a summary report, assisting you in making the best decisions for project progression.
  • Maximize output from instrumentation and personnel: If you have instrumentation not fully utilised, I can offer training to facilitate maximum productivity of local resources – invest in staff and reap the rewards.
  • Broken instrumentation: I can get you back up and running in a cost-effective process.
  • Need something other than mass spectrometry? Shouldn’t be a problem! If mass spectrometry is too broad for anybody to be a complete expert, then the plethora of analytical techniques currently available is truly mind-blowing – I will not be able to do it all, but I’ll likely know someone who can, no matter what “it” happens to be.
  • Spectral databases: I have several Wiley and Sigma-Aldrich libraries, both new and upgraded, available to purchase.
  • Freelance lecturer: I can provide lectures on MALDI-TOF, ESI and ASAP, mass spectrometry data interpretation, and the basics of general mass spectrometry and NMR.
  • Writing a grant proposal? I can advise on appropriate costing of analyses and other aspects of bids.
  • Considering an instrument purchase? I am completely vendor-neutral and can advise on the best instrumentation to suit your needs.
  • Setting up a lab? An instrument can go anywhere, right? Wrong! I can advise on lab design requirements, so you can make the most of, and extend the longevity of, your instrumentation.

So…how can I help you? Please send a summary of your project/requirements to, or contact me via another route from the Contacts page, and let’s see what we can achieve together. Initial enquiries cost only time.